Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leeks Scramble. The Hairy Bikers' chicken and ham pie is simple comfort food at its best - like a big warm hug on a cold day. Once the chicken has cooled, lift it from the stock, then remove the meat - discarding all the skin and bones- and flake into chunks. Flake the ham into chunks as well, then put with the chicken in a large bowl. thinly sliced ham, torn into pieces.
This creamy mushroom chicken recipe combines my monthly cravings to combine more and more seasonal ingredients—like January's ombre colored leeks and earthy brown mushrooms—into our meals with one of the ingredients I most often am asked for more cooking options for: boneless.
This creamy chicken pie recipe with leeks, bacon and thyme is a hearty classic.
It can be frozen if made in advance.
How are you currently as of this perfect period ?, My spouse and i pray you're very well and joyful constantly. through this web site I will introduce the recipe for cooking Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leeks Scramble that is currently extremely popular with various groups, using a easy and fast method of making relatively, this Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leeks Scramble food is in great demand by lots of people, and tastes good also, helps make all of your household and friends You like it potentially.
The Hairy Bikers' chicken and ham pie is simple comfort food at its best - like a big warm hug on a cold day. Once the chicken has cooled, lift it from the stock, then remove the meat - discarding all the skin and bones- and flake into chunks. Flake the ham into chunks as well, then put with the chicken in a large bowl. thinly sliced ham, torn into pieces.
Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leeks Scramble cuisine is really a dish that's classified as an easy task to make. through the use of supplies which are common around you, you may make it in simple actions. You may make it for friends or family events, and it could even be presented at various official events. I am certain you will see lots of people who just like the Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leeks Scramble dishes you make.
Alright, don't linger, let's approach this creamy chicken, ham and leeks scramble formula with 10 substances which are undoubtedly easy to have, and we have to process them at the very least through 3 actions. You should shell out a while on this, so the resulting food could be perfect.
Composition - Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leeks Scramble:
- Require 8 - eggs medium size.
- You need 150 g - chicken breast cooked.
- Require 150 g ham cooked.
- Prepare 250 ml of vegetable stock / 8½ fl . oz ..
- Give 2 tablespoons - milk skim.
- Prepare 2 tablespoons - crème fraîche.
- Provide 100 g - leeks / 3½ oz ..
- Require ½ teaspoon of pepper freshly ground.
- Provide pepper extra ground to serve.
- You need - “ Spray2Cook ” (a word used to describe any low-cal. non-stick cook’s oil spray).
Tender chicken, ham and leek in a smooth, creamy sauce. Deep filled pies in individual servings. Premium quality ingredients for maximum flavour. Succulent marinated British chicken thigh, ham hock and tender leeks in a smooth sauce enriched with fresh double cream, mascarpone cheese and.
Creamy Chicken, Ham and Leeks Scramble making:
- Break the eggs into a mixing bowl and add the milk and crème fraîche. Whisk vigorously, preferably with an electric whisker, until the mixture is aerated. Add the pepper and briefly whisk in..
- Cut the leek lengthways and then cut each half into thin slices across the grain. Put the leeks in a bowl with the stock (hot) and microwave for 2 minutes. Drain the leeks and discard the stock. Chop the chicken and ham into small pieces and mix in with the leeks..
- Spray a fry pan well with Spray2Cook. Turn heat to high until bubbling and add the leek, chicken and ham and cook to reduce the remaining moisture. Stir the egg mixture in the pan. When the eggs starts to set on the base of the pan turn the heat a little lower and mix everything well with silicone spatula. Keep the contents of the pan moving until the mix is set to your liking. Serve and grind fresh pepper to taste..
Individual pies filled with juicy chicken and ham in a creamy sauce. Topped off with a cheesy puff pastry lid. Individual pies filled with juicy chicken and ham in a creamy sauce. Topped off with a cheesy puff pastry lid. Put the sliced leek into a large colander and thoroughly rinse to remove any grit or soil between the layers.
Alright, above possesses described briefly about causeing this to be creamy chicken, ham and leeks scramble recipe. at the very least it could be an illustration for you yourself to broaden your know-how within the culinary world. if you want to save our site address within your browser, in order that at any most suitable moment there's a fresh menus of formulas, you may get the facts. and in addition share the hyperlink with this website together with your friends and colleagues, thank you. :)